Smokey oven repair or clean?

Smokey oven repair or clean? it is probably one of our most frequently asked questions. In most cases an oven clean is more than enough to cure a smokey oven.

Causes of a smokey oven.

Months of use, spills and splashes all play a part, as do cooking techniques. For instance cooking meat uncovered will soil your oven quicker than if it were covered.

Smokey oven repair or clean?

Other causes of a smoking oven may be elements which are not used that often, such as the grill element. Indeed we have come upon ovens which are only used for grilling and smoke profusely when the fan oven is used.

Grease does not tend to stick to a hot element, for this reason we always recommend less frequently used elements are run briefly in order to burn off any grease. However in some situations an oven element may be so badly soiled it is beyond help, and replacement is required.

Learn more about Oven Supremo and professional oven cleaning here.

Oven Supremo

Oven cleaning Barnsley. Oven cleaning Wakefield. Oven Supremo providing professional oven cleaning throughout Barnsley & Wakefield since 2016.


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Oven Supremo
Summer Lane,
South Yorkshire,
S71 4SE